It's always a privilege to work with Pro Photographer Steve Behr of Stockfile, he's great company and one of the most experienced lensmen in the bike biz!
Of course, as with any photoshoot involving bicycles, the photo's call "can you do it again?" is somewhat galling to a rider who is risking life and limb to huck his bucking bronco off a stunt; of course my Mythic Rampant is far from a bucking bronco, being a very controlled beast of a bike, but you get the idea...dirt = random experiences!
But, with Steve behind the lens, I had the confidence that tweaking the stunt even more, was worth the risk, shown below is the end result
I guess the mag is out in a few weeks, so pick up MBUK and show your support for "rider built, rider run" bike park Esher Shore
thanks for reading, and huge thanks to Steve for the wicked image!
rob cole
Mythic Bikes