It was wet it was dark and it was knar.
It was however a lot of fun, very well organized… so much so that riders were only a few minutes behind when their official times to start were. So huge thanks to all the organizers, time keeper, commisares, first aid guys, and sponsors for putting on a great event.
Now lets get to some pictures.
First was the Trident Banshee Industry team. Thanks Michelle for you 3rd place finish.
As well as Dean Wilkes [Legend] and Tom Thorton [Scythe]
Tom placed 1st in Citizen senior and Dean placed 3rd in the same sandbagger class. EDIT: Dean actually came second to get a Banshee 1- 2! Not sure how they placed overall but those guys are fast so don’t let the class fool you.
Left: Michelle after the rock drop Right: Dean hitting the rock drop
Dalen and Zac were also racing and although podiums we’re not in the cards they were happy with their runs and to have survived Ardoom.
Left: Dalen eating shit before a hip gap. Can’t blame him as it was really greasy and finding traction was the order of the day. Right is Zac taking the chicken line. I guess his bike’s to pretty to get all dirty. You can see the white splotches in the pictures were rain drops and at times it was coming down real hard.
My cousin was one of the smart ones with golf umbrella put to good use on Sunday
Some guys weren’t so lucky and I saw a few mangled bikes and bodies coming down the mountain. I hope this guy is ok and is healed up for next weeks Panorama race
Taking pics was not easy, everything was soaked, it was dark, and the amount of red eyes I had to fix was insane. So if you see your pic and your eyes look all f’d I tried my best.
Here is the rest of the riders that I managed to get. There was quite a few racers competing but I managed to get a few of you… enjoy.