Friday, October 31, 2008
Remember kids... DRUGS ARE BAD!
But Hospital staff are good hard working and generally friendly people. I'm stuck in hospital on a steroid drip and being injected with unknowns, and taking pills all week due to the fact that I have been diagnosed (finally after 3 years of suffering) with Ucerative Colitis, and the symptoms are apparently bad enough to merit this.
I'm glad that I finally have had my conditions diagnosed, and that I have a good team of doctors trying to help me. I've been put on immunosuppresants which will hopefully calm everything down and make me feel a bit better by christmas. Hopefully they will work, and although I will be more prone to infection etc, I should get my energy back after all this time, and loose the symptoms (fingers crossed!). If not, then last option really is surgery (removal of entire large intestine), as you can imagine, I'm not so keen on that idea.
I'm just glad that I have internet in my hospital room so that I can keep myself busy. Otherwise I would be going insane!
I would also like to give my best wishes to our good friend Jirka, and especially his son, who is critically ill right now, far worse than me. I'm sure that I can say on behalf of all the Banshee crew out there that we are wishing you well.
Please people, never ever take your health for granted! If you are able, then get out there and make the most of your health and enjoy it. Ride your bikes, explore new places, and do it with a smile on your face!