I am pretty stoked, for the riding adventure of a life time check out Camp of Champions website, not only will you get the chance to ride the Legendary Banshee Legend MKII, you will also get a chance to ride with Jack "Fogel" Fogelquist, Alan "no nickname" Hepburn (though we all know that is not true ... right Alan) and of course new head coach Mike "i dream of tricks" Montgomery.
Good chance I will be hanging out for a good portion of Camp so you will also get a chance to ride ahead of me while I eat your dust or watch you ride away while having the best time of your life.
Alan goes no hands. Alan takes it up and throws it down. Takes a rest and does it all over again.
Keep Riding.
Rob Dunnet
oh i googled "hot girl pinkbike" into google images and this image was on the first page ...