We managed to fill the list in around 3 weeks and have a great range of racers from different backgrounds, skill levels, and countries.

What the selected riders do share is they are all competitive racers and I am really happy with the diversity of the bunch. We've got 4 riders that went to the World Championship, another 6 or 7 which are champions in their own countries; and we have no less then 6 engineers that will be racing this bike.
All will be giving us valuable information that we can use to refine the frame to the nth detail.
On average if these racers only ride in 5 races, it will amount to about 250 races total for one season
When we feel we've gotten everything dialed a year from now [2 seasons.. north hemisphere and south ie Australia] we'll produce 100 for public consumption.
Remember before the 50 racers even get their frames we'll have already spent 2 and a half years developing this bike in the computer with numerous revisions, and FEA modeling. Prototypes will also have been ridden and destroyed in the lab. So thats 3 and a half years before the bike is even ready for sale... this way if you decide to buy the bike you won't have to be the guinea pig.
The Goal: to make the fastest bike, without consideration to sales.