Hey everyone, I thought I would post a bit of a season end blog since the

snow has begun to fly in my home town. Although I never had a full season due to injury it was still a good summer and a great time to be on Banshee Bikes.
As some of you may already know I had a minor back injury and also tore my ACL (among other things) in my left knee. The back injury occurred down in Colorado at Crankworx. Nothing to major, but the x rays revealed that I had broken a piece of vertebrae probably a few years ago. After having a few Doctors check it out back home, I was deemed fit to ride and promptly crashed again while filming a section for a TV show. Hahaha what luck! That was the crash that destroyed my knee. Since then I have been hitting up the physiotherapy, and waiting on surgery. The knee is feeling good, and a complete recovery is expected.

Before the crash however, I luckily had a little time building and shooting for New World Disorder 8: Smack Down. I got a solid 5 days or so in with them and a section on the bonus DVD. Considering the limited amount of shooting I had, I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. Make sure you check out the movie if you haven’t already.
After the crash I spent some more time doing light building at our local bike park the Kamloops Bike Ranch

to help out NWD. Cam Mcaul and Ben Boyko ended up coming in to shoot on the new hits and it was sick! It was 3 days of tail whips, cork flips and tons of other gnarly tricks. In the end I think they got some of their best shots in the Ranch so it was quite a success.
I was also lucky enough to be invited down for the Red Bull Trail Crew even at Silver Star Resort. It was a sick event. The premises was 3 sets of builders c

reate a section of trail each and once it was done the invited pro riders come up to ride and judge sections. I believe the winners won season’s passes and a bike. When I got on the trail I was amazed. Those guys did a lot of hard work and it showed. While were riding the new trail sections we were joined by some ripping groms whom we also judged. The winners won new bikes as well. Red Bull pulled together an excellent riders list for the event including: Robbie Bourden, Wayne Goss, Kurt Sorge, Steve Romaniuk, Shaums March, and myself. One of the best p

arts was that I got to really test out the new Wildcard prototype and see if it could stand up to the kind of abuse that lift access tends to put on a bike. The Wildcard stood up beautifully, and was actually a great bike for some of the tight/jump trails. It ended up being an awesome couple of days, and I would suggest riding at Silver Star to anyone.
Unfortunately I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked to but there is always next year I suppose. Hope you enjoyed my pics and my little rant. Perhaps I will bust out the GT noma and get a snow blog going. Rock on!!!
My NWD 8 section:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg0bSR5I3-Qwww.freeride-entertainment.comMake sure you buy the DVD its well worth the $ and you'll be watching it over and over again.
Matt B