Finally i've got some built up pictures o the Scythe. Note it is the large size so on the mediums and smalls the seattube will be shorter and the angle of the top tube more in line with the seatstays. So I just weighed this exact bike and it came in at 42.5lbs... and trust me there

are lots of places you can shave weight if you want something under 40 but it is an 8" freeride bike so you don't want it too light... I think its where it needs to be [frame at 8.5lbs] Oh and this is the large so the mediums and smalls will be lighter... it feels so plush. :)

One thing I should mention is that you can really notice the change from DH to FR when you move the shock into each respective position...

you'll even notice it just trying to wheelie the bike and how in the DH position its alot harder then in the FR position. I can't wait to personally start screwing with all the settings and rip it down a few of the shore trails.
We will be doing the Interbike dirt demo and will have all the bikes out there for anyone that is coming out to Bootleg Canyon.

Hopefully we'll see you there!