So the trip down unfortunately saw me being pulled over by the Oregon state troopers and they were nice enough to give me a $426 ticket for excessive speed. I'm usually tearing it up on my bike and its near impossible for me to go the speed limit... well it cost me this time.
I was trying to get over food poisoning from once of the find fast food establishments we had lunch at. I had the most brutal stomach ache, a fever, and was totally bloated but thankfully that passed within 24hours as we pulled into Las Vegas.
We did a quick setup at the dirt demo, went for some great Mexican Food, and then picked up
Checked into the hotel and crashed... it was a long drive non-stop and its hard to sleep properly in the van.
First day of the demo was great and the feedback on the bikes
John was tearing up the little pump track that they built, but mostly we had to work the booth. If I get lucky tomorrow I'll be able to get a shuttle in and experience riding up packed on the flat deck.
Oh... looks like I got head out for dinner... I'll finish off day 1 and write about day 2 tomorrow.
One last thing... check this out... Andreas from Bali Mountain Bike and Adventure Sports [our Indonesian distributor] made these. I think they're so killer and will find out if I can get more... what do you think would you want something like this?