Along with Gear Exchange I am the team mechanic for Team Dead Bros/Banshee. Team founder and leader Linden Carlson is also the local Colorado rider/rep for Banshee Bikes. I can remember the first time meeting this tall, skinny dude with a shaved head and long goatee… I was impressed by his no fear, go get it attitude on riding.
One story in particular to share on Linden: We were in Angel Fire New Mexico for the season opening race of the Mountain States Cup Series. Neither of us was racing, we were simply there for the sheer joy of bikes and the love to ride them. Linden and I couldn’t get on the lift as we didn’t have a number plate, so what did we do? Sat around and drank beer! Well that and ride up hill A LOT!!!
We found a beautiful newly made bridge drop that most people were very hesitant to hit. As we came up to the hit Linden hopped off his bike, took a quick look then pushed back up. Now mind you he was riding a Morphine with a “not so good front shock”. He jumped on his four year old machine and slayed the drop. Not only did he do the drop 15 plus times for a photo, he also put sick style into every hit.
As I was sitting down at the bottom shooting, I could hear people yelling from the lift, “do it you pussy!” “Don’t think! Just go!” But the funny thing was I am sure those guys that were yelling crap from the lift were the same guys that slowly rolled up to the drop on there big 7+ in full suspension rigs and bottomed out the suspension with no style and barely holding the landing. And as they rode away Linden would come flying up, nail the hit and throw his bike like a baby doll.
When riding with Linden I can only hope to stay close on his tail, but if we go uphill… Look out! “Come on bro, push them over!!!” Now speaking of myself and riding… up until this summer I was riding a Specialized Rockhopper from 1998. Needless to say it was outdated and not the best ride to try and keep up with Linden. Thankfully Jay, and Banshee Bikes hooked me up with a beautiful Scirroco. It was night and day when I jumped on that bike. I felt like I was 100 times better of a rider. The geometry and parts set up just eats up the downhill and controls like a sports car. That bike has brought a new love for mountain biking to me.
I have been a part of Banshee Bikes for three years now. My images can be seen on the website as well as the content pages and the cover of the ’07 catalog. Now as the 2008-year approaches I hope to be even more involved with the progression of Banshee Bikes through my photography and images. I believe that Banshee Bikes is a feel good, love the sport company. I may have a hard time reaching Jay, and it’s probably because he is either up to his eyebrows in work for Banshee, or he is out rockin’ one of his own bikes. Anyone that I talk to that is looking at a new bike I ask if they have ridden a Banshee. And it isn’t because I am involved with the company; it is because I truly believe they are one of the best, well built bikes in the world right now. So I ask you… have you ridden a Banshee Bike?
Want to see more of my work? Check me at the following places: –Devon Balet