Hey Everyone!!!
Kamloops is finally somewhat ready to ride, so I decided to put on my semi formal tuxedo t-shirt and get dirty on Sunday. It was my 2nd day of riding this year and it was a real nice sesh. It was an all day digging and hitting fangers extravaganza. We started the day in the corral (dirt jump area) at the bike ranch digging and blowing the cob webs out on some small jumps. Lots of cool stuff went down and it was like no one had gotten rusty at all. Saw the first hand foot plant (pic attached) which was pretty cool. Once everyone was feeling comforatable again we decided to go hit the step up located mid way down the trail in the park. It is one of the best trick learning jumps I have ever hit. Every one was going off. There were a few very close 720's, some nice big t-whips, and some peoples first attempts at back flips. I was busy trying to figure out cork flips, and I think I have the idea now. Unfortunatly I bent my rear wheel on an earlier attempt and didn't notice until it buzzed my frame while comming off the lip, which caused a nice crash. My ribs will be sore for a few days but it was worth it I supose. Big thanks to Jeff Conner, and Cole Chalmers for taking manning the cameras. Enjoy the pics!
Matt Brooks