This past saturday a local bike team, Stomparillaz, put on a second annual bike race called the

River Crossing Bike Race. Set up more as a cyclocross race, it was set in beautiful Carbondale Colorado. The field ranged from 14 year old kids on full blown cyclocross bikes, to Max (race organizer) ragin' the race on his xtracycle (, to banshee's very own Linden Carlson on his four year old Morphine set up single speed. I was headed to the race to photograph and help promote Stomparillaz so Linden said, "I might as well join." The six dollar entry fee got you a race map and a personalized mix of music put together by Max Copper.

For those who don't know Max or the Stomparillaz, this race was sure to match the whole attitude and atmosphere they create. The race rules give an idea of how they roll....

The race winner came in over two minutes before the pack, and Linden came in somewhere in the group. No one really seemed to care their time or place. It was all about getting out with friends and riding your bike. And not to mention it was Nov. 10th so it was great to be able to ride. For more from that race check the Stomparillaz Brigade at