Got the Rampant pics up in the gallery now [see the previous post on how to access it].
It would have been nice to show it in the other team color because you've all already seen the red and white version. I know I should have weighed all the complete bikes but I forgot - sorry - I'll try to do it when I'm in Germany next week.
Make sure you check out the difference between this pic and the earlier pics of the rampant prototype, which is namely the custom hydroformed 7005 tubeset. The shapes are just awesome and all flowy and the differences can be seen on the Wilcard, and Rune also.
Yes... its the dog and pony show time of year again which will see me globe trotting around meeting everyone again.
I'll be in Friedrichschafen for the Eurobike show, then fly straight to Montreal where the BTAC show is - we plan to do the dirt demo where we will have all the bikes [except the Legend], then a few weeks later is the Interbike dirt demo which should be pretty cool.
I'll definitely be looking forward to seeing a few of you.
no I'm just waiting to get the Scythe which may or may not be d
one before I leave... well maybe leave, because Typhoon [hurricane] Sepat, which they are classifying as a Super Typhoon, is headed our way and it should hit land very close to the time I'm suppose to fly out.

What I didn't realize is the hurricane is approaching from the East and even if there was a window to the west China has a no fly zone so we wouldn't have much room to maneavour; there is a chance i may be grounded.
If so me and Lance are probably going to find a few lawn chairs and have a beer outside... should be pretty funny.