Also on the way out I passed through Kamloops and had lunch with Matt Brooks. I met him working at the Bike Ranch and he was setting up a sprinkler system; I have to say I'm pretty amazed with some of the stuff they had in there... actually I'm kinda jealous because I wish the city of Vancouver would do something like that... I'm thinking Stanley Park, maybe get rid of the flower garden and put in a few dirt jump and pump track lines. Parks are for having fun not looking at shrubberies.
Next day I rode into Calgary for the party.
They pretty much cleared out the store of all the bikes and product, set up a stage, and a concession area and there were at least two bars serving up wine and all the free pilsner you could drink.

Finally when all 700 guests were fed we were entertained by Canadian rock legends April Wine which Specialized was good enough to fly in for the event. Norco and Kona alumni were all on hand and everyone had a great time.
Personal thanks to Kurt, Kev, Fransky, Cristie, and Terry -- oh and can't forget Brian and Jimmy. Thanks for the invite!!!!

A day later and I'm off to Taiwan.
I'll have a report tomorrow or the next day.