I wanted to wait until we had a full bike assembled but couldn't. It may look a little ugly now because its not got any paint on it yet but I'm super excited about this bike because I think it's gonna be the perfect bike for everything - well almost everything, mostly trail riding from easy to extreme.
Now we didn't get the hydroformed tubesets in time for the prototype and these will make the bike look even sexier.
Alot of what we learned before and during with the Pyre has gone into the development of this bike and thanks goes out to Alex and the University of Durham for putting the Pyre through the rigors - Keith remember to bring that report when you come to Van on the 20th.
I'm really curious to see how everyone likes the "on the fly" grease ports in the pivots that go right through the axles.
The shock shows an RP23 but will come spec'd with a more linear type of shock like the Evolvers, or DHXAirs... you could jam a coil in there but with the adjustability of the Airs , for me, I don't think it would be necessary unless you had the $$ for both a coil and an air.
We wanted to run up to a 7" single crown on the bike so its got the onepointfive headtube but with the FSA headsets with reducer cups you could get away with a 1-1/8 steerer.
Pricing will be inline with what the current Pyre sells for so you can check to see what the shops are selling those for and it'll get you a good idea of what these will go for.
The colors of the frames are not indicative of what they will be but kind of give you an idea. We will have a Team issue that I'm really want to see how it turns out. Currently we're looking at doing an all black ano with gold pivot and black rockers, an all gold ano with black rockers and pivot, a white with gold pivot and black rockers, and lastly the polished aluminum with black front team model.
Well thats it from me sports fans. I'll put up more pics as they become available.