Whats disturbing is the building on the North Shore Mountains keeps getting higher and I fear the day when they will build either homes or business all the way up. I've always been perplexed by the outrage that some have over the few trails that have been built but then nothing is said when acres of land are cleared for housing or a golf course - I guess that has less of an environmental impact?? Usually the biggest complainers are the ones that drive home in their SUVs after sustainability meetings to their huge homes with only 2 occupants, that they light and heat all year round, but they buy organic and recycle so I guess that makes them "green". I'm not saying that its not ok to live in a big house or drive a really big car that eats gas while you throw styrofoam trash and cigarettes out you car window. Just shut the hell up when it comes to our trails. If you wanna save the world start in your own backyard first.
Specifically in reference to the proposal. I don't mind if the planners feel they really need to develop the area but we need to be allowed to replace the trails that we loose. I don't think its necessarily a bad thing because the builders have learned a lot about how to make a trail more sustainable. All you need to do is look at CBC compared to an earlier trail like the Severed Dick to see how far trail building has come and we would get something fresh to ride which is always fun - theres alway some good that can come of a bad situation.
The important thing is that we all come out and again show that the needs of the riders need to be listened to and respected. Those who show up not only represent themselves but the host of international riders who have ridden and want to ride in the future the legendary trails of the mountain bike Mecca know as the North Shore.
The story is taken from NSMB and I've reproduced it hear because some of you might not want to click a link.
Important Meeting Your attendance is essential.
June 20th, 6:00 to 8:30 pm West Van Seniors' Centre, 695 - 21st Street (click for google maps link)
This is it folks. Call everyone you know who rides Cypress or who might want to someday. The only way we are going to get listened to is if we have a serious, standing-room only sort of presence at this meeting. Imagine losing Sexboy? How about Family Guy and Firehose? And that is just a start - we could lose virtually every trail on the mountain. If we don't have a real show of force at this meeting it's a foregone conclusion. Drag your friends kicking and screaming. You won't need to make a speech or talk to the media - just be there as a rider in support of continued access to Cypress.
Do you like real trails or crushed gravel sidewalks? The choice is yours and apathy is not an option. Get on the phone, on email, on Facebook - talk to riders on the trail. Get EVERYONE who rides Cypress at this meeting.
Below you'll find a release from the nsmbA.
Sexboy is the only trail on Cypress with some wooden structures - and it could all be gone soon.
Recreational Trails on Cypress are Changing
West Vancouver is planning development at the base of Cypress that impacts existing trails including Sex Boy and Family Guy. This is being done before a long term plan for recreational trails on Cypress is defined. No mitigation has been planned to handle displaced traffic.
The Rodgers Creek Working Group is working on a development plan that is a vast improvement over previous projects such as Whitby Estates. They deserve recognition for the effort and detail paid to environmental issues and the sustainability of the area. Northwest of the first switchback there will eventually be a Village Centre including a plaza, retail shops and a pub.
Here you see one of the early phases. This would mean Family Guy gone, Sexboy closed, Firehose closed etc. A huge blow and only the beginning.
These are good features, but the impacts on existing recreational trails have yet to be dealt with. Unless a strong voice raises this concern, the trails as we know them on Cypress will be lost.
• Help the District understand the need for a long term plan for recreational trails
• Help them understand the types of trails people want
• Ensure alternate trails are in place before any more trails are decommissioned
• Avoid further damage from unauthorized trail construction
Is that Sexboy? For now it is. Soon it could be a crushed gravel path with no heart. Rider ~ Mike Wallace
Let the district know how much the trails on Cypress mean to our community.
Wednesday June 20th, 2007
6:00 to 8:30 pm
West Van Seniors' Centre, 695 - 21st Street - click here for google maps link.
Are you coming? Phone your buddies? Rally the troops and put in your two bits here.