Rob just emailed me info on his new website and I thought I'd share it -
He's still in the process of building and adding to it and there will be more stuff going up over time. It will be the place to look if you want to find out more about him and what he'll be working on. We're also pleased that he's now under employ with Freeborn -Banshee/Mythic's UK distributor, in addition to being the driving force behind the Eshore Shore park and our factory rider.
Keith our engineer just got his hands on the Wildcard proto and is building it up as I write this. Hopefully he'll have it in time for Szweds trip to Scotland as they plan to meet up and do some riding together... I'm sure Petr will be suprised that Keith can keep up with the best of them. Then he plans a trip to meet Rob and the boys at Freeborn and then hit the all crazy stuff Robs been building. We'll make sure to document the trips and post them up here.
We have some other really big news but want to wait until he gets all of his bikes before we post up the new Banshee Pride factory rider. He's been in NWD6,7, and will be filming #8 in May with the Freeride Entertainment crew. Anyway we'll let everyone know real soon.
Again, make sure you check out Robs site for new updates.